Turbine Aerodynamics: Axial-Flow and Radial-Inflow Turbine Design and Analysis
Table Of Contents
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Basic Turbine Configurations
1.2 Radial-Inflow and Axial-Flow Turbine Features
1.3 Velocity Diagrams for a Stage
1.4 Similitude and Performance Characteristics
1.5 Units and Conventions
2.0 Thermodynamics
2.1 First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics
2.2 Efficiency
2.3 Fluid Equation-of-State Fundamentals
2.4 The Caloric Equation of State
2.5 Entropy and the Speed of Sound
2.6 The Thermal Equation of State for Real Gases
2.7 Thermodynamic Properties of Real Gases
2.8 Thermally and Calorically Perfect Gases
2.9 The Pseudo-Perfect Gas Model
2.10 Liquid-Phase Properties
2.11 Gas Viscosity
2.12 Component Performance Parameters
2.13 A Computerized Equation of State Package
3.0 Fluid Mechanics
3.1 Flow in a Rotating Coordinate System
3.2 Adiabatic Inviscid Compressible Flow
3.3 Adiabatic Inviscid Compressible Flow Applications
3.4 Boundary Layer Analysis
3.5 Two-Dimensional Boundary Layer Analysis
3.6 Axisymmetric Three-Dimensional Boundary Layer Analysis
3.7 Vector Operators in Natural Coordinates
4.0 Empirical Performance Models for Axial-Flow Turbine Blade Rows
4.1 Blade Row Geometry
4.2 Fluid Deviation Angle
4.3 Overview of the Loss System
4.4 Profile Loss Coefficient
4.5 Secondary Flow Loss Coefficient
4.6 Trailing-Edge Loss Coefficient
4.7 Shock loss Coefficient
4.8 Supersonic Expansion Loss Coefficient
4.9 Blade Clearance Loss Coefficient
4.10 Lashing Wire Loss Coefficient
4.11 Leakage Bypass Loss
4.12 Partial Admission Loss
4.13 Disk Friction Loss
4.14 Clearance Gap Windage Loss
4.15 Moisture Loss
5.0 Aerodynamic Performance Analysis of Axial-Flow Turbines
5.1 The Meridional Coordinate System
5.2 The Approximate Normal Equilibrium Model
5.3 Inviscid Adiabatic Flow on A Quasi-Normal
5.4 Linking Quasi-Normals
5.5 The Flow Profiles on a Quasi-Normal
5.6 Turbine Performance Analysis
5.7 Typical Performance Analysis Results
5.8 Diaphragm-Disk Rotor Leakage Flows
5.9 Blade Forces and Rotor Thrust
5.10 Concluding Remarks
6.0 Preliminary Aerodynamic Design of Axial-Flow Turbine Stages
6.1 Preliminary Aerodynamic Design Strategy
6.2 Velocity Triangles at the Design Radius
6.3 The Vortex Type and Swirl Velocity Distributions
6.4 Stage Efficiency
6.5 The Optimum Pitch-To-Chord Ratio
6.6 Initializing the Total Thermodynamic Conditions
6.7 The Stage Inlet Flow Profiles
6.8 Sizing the Annulus
6.9 Selecting the Blade Row Geometry
6.10 A Computerized Preliminary Design System
6.11 Selection of the Dimensionless Performance Parameters
6.12 Selection of the Swirl Velocity Vortex Type
6.13 Concluding Remarks
7.0 Detailed Airfoil Design for Axial-Flow Turbines
7.1 Definition of the Airfoil Geometry
7.2 The Airfoil Profile Model
7.3 Determining the Polynomial Coefficients
7.4 Leading and Trailing Edge Profiles
7.5 The Passage Throat Calculation
7.6 Adjusting the Uncovered Turning
7.7 Design of a Complete Blade
7.8 The Optional Defining Points
7.9 Evaluation of the Airfoil Design
7.10 A Computerized Airfoil Design System
8.0 Industrial Axial-Flow Turbine Application Procedures
8.1 Stage Performance Rating Curves
8.2 Reynolds Number Effects
8.3 Reaction Rating Curves
8.4 Application Procedures Based On Rating Curves
9.0 Aerodynamic Performance Analysis of Radial-Inflow Turbines
9.1 Radial-Inflow Turbine Stage Geometry
9.2 Boundary Layer Analysis
9.3 The Boundary Layer Loss Coefficient
9.4 Inlet Volute Analysis
9.5 Nozzle Row Analysis
9.6 Rotor Analysis
9.7 Vaneless Annular Passage Analysis
9.8 Exhaust Diffuser Analysis
9.9 Imposed Total Pressure Loss
9.10 Inlet Station Analysis
9.11 The Performance Analysis Strategy
9.12 Mass Balance Procedures
9.13 Sub-Critical Performance Analysis
9.14 Super-Critical Performance Analysis
9.15 Typical Performance Analysis Results
10.0 Preliminary Aerodynamic Design of Radial-Inflow Turbine Stages
10.1 Preliminary Aerodynamic Design Strategy
10.2 Rotor Tip Sizing
10.3 Rotor Design Specifications
10.4 Rotor Sizing
10.5 Evaluating the Rotor Design
10.6 Rotor End-Wall Contours
10.7 Straight-line Element Rotor Blade Camberlines
10.8 Radial Element Rotor Blade Camberlines
10.9 Nozzle Blade Geometry
10.10 Nozzle Row Sizing
10.11 Evaluating the Nozzle Design
10.12 Initial Estimates of the Nozzle Design Specifications
10.13 Volute Preliminary Design
10.14 Exhaust Diffuser Sizing
10.15 A Typical Preliminary Design Example
10.16 A Computerized Preliminary Design System
11.0 Detailed Aerodynamic Design of Radial-Inflow Turbine Components
11.1 Nozzle Blade Detailed Design
11.2 A General Approach to Gaspath Detailed Design
11.3 Useful Curve Forms
11.4 Constructing the Annulus and Quasi-Normals
11.5 Constructing the Blade Camberline
11.6 Constructing the Blade Surfaces
11.7 The Blade Passage Throat Geometry
11.8 An Effective Gaspath Design System
11.9 Application to Impeller Design
12.0 Aerodynamic Design and Performance Analysis of Exhaust Diffusers
12.1 Basic Diffuser Technology
12.2 An Approximate Performance Analysis
12.3 Sizing the Exhaust Diffuser
12.4 A Detailed Aerodynamic Performance Analysis
13.0 Two-Dimensional Analysis of the Flow in the Blade-To-Blade Plane
13.1 The Blade-to-Blade Flow Problem
13.2 Coordinate System and Velocity Components
13.3 The Potential Flow Solution Procedure
13.4 A Linearized Potential Flow Procedure
13.5 The Time-Marching Solution Procedure
13.6 Blade Surface Boundary Layer Analysis
13.7 Summary
14.0 Quasi-Three-Dimensional Blade Passage Flow Field Analysis
14.1 Quasi-Three-Dimensional Flow
14.2 The Quasi-Normal Coordinate System
14.3 Numerical Integration of the Governing Equations
14.4 Repositioning the Stream Surfaces
14.5 The Hub-To-Shroud Flow Analysis
14.6 Coupling the Two Basic Flow Analyses
14.7 Boundary Layer Analysis
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