Centrifugal Compressors: A Strategy for Aerodynamic Design and Analysis
Table Of Contents
1. Introduction
1.1 The Centrifugal Compressor Stage
1.2 Dimensionless Parameters
1.3 Performance Characteristics
1.4 Similitude
1.5 Units and Conventions
2. Thermodynamics
2.1 Fundamental Laws of Thermodynamics
2.2 Head and Efficiency
2.3 The Gas Equation of State
2.4 Thermally Perfect Gases: The Caloric Equation of State
2.5 The Thermal Equation of State For Real Gases
2.6 Thermodynamic Properties of Real Gases
2.7 Thermally and Calorically Perfect Gases
2.8 Perfect Gas Models Applied to Real Gases
2.9 Component Performance and Losses
2.10 Approximate Liquid and Two-Phase Flow Models
2.11 Equilibrium Flash or Liquid Knockout Calculations
3. Fluid Mechanics
3.1 Flow in a Rotating Coordinate System
3.2 Governing Equations for Adiabatic Inviscid Compressible Flow
3.3 Adiabatic Inviscid Compressible Flow Analysis
3.4 Boundary Layer Analysis
3.5 Vector Operators
4. The Impeller Work Input
4.1 The Slip Factor
4.2 The Impeller Distortion Factor
4.3 Clearance Gap Flows
4.4 Windage and Disk Friction Work
4.5 Leakage Work
4.6 Recirculation Work
5. One-Dimensional Aerodynamic Performance Analysis
5.1 One-Dimensional Flow Analysis
5.2 Inlet Guide Vane Performance
5.3 Impeller Performance
5.4 Vaneless Annular Passage Performance
5.5 Vaned Diffuser Performance
5.6 Return Channel Performance
5.7 Volute and Collector Performance
5.8 Overall Stage Predictions
5.9 Multistage Compressor Analysis
6. Preliminary Aerodynamic Design and Component Sizing
6.1 The Preliminary Design Strategy
6.2 Simple Performance Correlations
6.3 Component Matching
6.4 A Computerized Preliminary Design System
6.5 Impeller Sizing
6.6 Vaneless Diffuser Sizing
6.7 Vaned Diffuser Sizing
6.8 Return System Sizing
6.9 Volute Sizing
6.10 Implementation of the Design System
7. General Gas Path and Impeller Design
7.1 The General Gas Path Design Strategy
7.2 Useful Curve Forms for Gas Path Design
7.3 End-Wall and Quasi-Normal Construction
7.4 Blade Mean Line Construction
7.5 Blade Surface Construction
7.6 Blade Passage Throat Area
7.7 The Blade Leading Edge
7.8 A Computerized Gas Path Design System
7.9 Impeller Detailed Design
8. Vaneless Diffuser Design
8.1 Geometric Construction
8.2 The Design Procedure
8.3 Rotating Stall Considerations
9. Vaned Diffuser Design
9.1 Vaned Diffuser Performance Parameters
9.2 Design Criteria
9.3 Vaned Diffuser Stall
9.4 Vaned Diffuser Inlet Design
9.5 Vaned Diffuser Sizing
9.6 Vane Design
9.7 Analysis of The Design
9.8 A Computerize Design System
10. Return System Design
10.1 Return System Gas Path Construction
10.2 Return Channel Vane Construction
10.3 A Computerized Interactive Design System
10.4 Return System Design Recommendations
11. Volute Design
11.1 Geometrical Construction
11.2 Fundamental Design Concepts
11.3 Aerodynamic Design Considerations
12. Quasi-Three-Dimensional Flow Analysis
12.1 Fluid Dynamic Models
12.2 Gas Path Geometry
12.3 The Hub-To-Shroud Flow Governing Equations
12.4 Conservation Of Mass And Momentum
12.5 Repositioning Stream Surfaces
12.6 The First Iteration
12.7 Choked Flow
12.8 The Blade-To-Blade Flow Governing Equations
12.9 Linearized Blade-To-Blade Flow
12.10 Numerical Solution for the Stream Function
12.11 Iteration for Gas Density
12.12 Quasi-Three-Dimensional Flow
13. Potential Flow Analysis in the Blade-To-Blade Plane
13.1 Definition of the Problem
13.2 The Stream Function Solution
13.3 The Gas Density Solution
13.4 Some Useful Features
13.5 Typical Results
14. Time-Marching Analysis of the Blade-To-Blade Plane Flow
14.1 Definition of the Problem
14.2 Boundary Conditions
14.3 Fundamental Concepts in Numerical Stability
14.4 Numerical Stability for the Blade-To-Blade Flow Application
14.5 The Solution Procedure
14.6 Typical Results
15. Boundary Layer Analysis
15.1 Two-Dimensional Laminar Boundary Layer Analysis
15.2 Two-Dimensional Turbulent Boundary Layer Analysis
15.3 Blade Passage Profile Losses
15.4 End-Wall Turbulent Boundary Layer Analysis
Answers to the Exercises
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